French Word Slideshow Generator

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Quick Gender Guessing Rule:

Most words ending in 'e' or 'ion' are feminine, except those ending in '-age', '-ege', '-é', or '-isme', which are usually masculine. Most other endings are masculine.

For a more detailed explanation, see French Noun Gender Rules.

For even more information, you can also read this page.


Copy and paste a list into the text area. You can load a predefined list by selecting in the drop down and then pressing load list.

Alternatively, you can create your own list. For instructions to paste into chat GPT - see below

Press the "Generate Slideshow" button to start the slides. For each slide, you can click the ???? at the top to reveal the english word. Try to guess it before you do though!

General Format: Each word or phrase should be provided in three columns: English word/phrase: The English term or concept. French gender prefix: The appropriate French article or gendered term, in its correct form (e.g., "le", "la", "un", "une", "les(m)", "les(f)"). French word/phrase: The corresponding French noun or phrase. Gender Rules: Masculine and Feminine Nouns: For nouns that are both masculine and feminine (e.g., "minister"), provide separate lines: Male version: Use the masculine article (e.g., "le ministre"). Female version: Use the feminine article (e.g., "la ministre"). Example for a gendered noun: "male minister" "le ministre" "female minister" "la ministre" Plurals: For plural nouns, the gender indicator must include the (m) or (f) suffix without any space: Example for plural noun: "news" "les(f) nouvelles" Additional Rules: No contractions: Do not use contractions like "l'" for articles (e.g., "l'homme"). Always use "un" or "une" for singular nouns, and "les(m)" or "les(f)" for plural nouns. Example: Instead of "l'homme", use "un homme". No extra spaces: Ensure there are no spaces between gender and noun for plurals (e.g., "les(f) nouvelles"), and no extra spaces in general. Accuracy of Gender: Ensure the gender for each noun is accurately indicated (e.g., "un" for masculine, "une" for feminine). Word Groupings: Categories: Provide a list of related words in categories. Each category should be clearly labelled (e.g., # Politics, # News, # Economy). The categories should be relevant to the intended subject matter and should follow a logical order. Example of categories: Politics News Economy Environment Social Issues Clarifications: Keep the structure simple and consistent. Each row should follow the format strictly, and the word list should be easy to parse and use without additional explanations or formatting. No speech marks: Do not use speech marks around the words in the list. This format ensures clarity and consistency for generating accurate French word lists, and is optimised for generating content based on specific language rules and structures. Example output: # Driving car une voiture steering wheel un volant seatbelt une ceinture de sécurité gearbox une boîte de vitesses # Bank savings les(f) économies # Medical health la santé male doctor un médecin female doctor une médecin # Garage ladder une échelle